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For a sound, sustainable and efficient property.

The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document that describes the energy characteristics of a building, giving it a value on a scale that goes from A4 (more efficient) to G (less efficient) and provides recommendations for improving the energy efficiency.

The EPC must be issued in the following cases:

  • sale: transfers for a consideration (example: deed, trade-in);
  • donation: transfers without monetary consideration;
  • letting of buildings or individual real estate units;
  • announcements for real estate units sale or rent;
  • new buildings at the end of the works;
  • significant renovation (when the works consist in more than 25% of the surface of the entire building casing);
  • public buildings and open to the public;
  • for all new or renewed contracts for the management of heating systems or air conditioning of public buildings.

Sanctions in the absence or non-drafting of the Energy Performance Certificate, attached to the lease or sale contracts, are established by the D.L. 192/2005, which provides for different administrative sanctions depending on the person that is obligated from time to time:

  • Non-observance of the compilation rules for EPC model compilation by the qualified professional: penalty ranging from € 700.00 to € 4.200.00.
  • Property sold without being provided with EPC, the seller may come up against the penalty ranging from € 3,000.00 to € 18,000.00;
  • Property rented out without being provided with EPC, the landlord may come up against the penalty ranging from € 300.00 to € 1.800.00;
  • real estate announcement for sale or for rent without indication of energy performance, the sanction (also from part of real estate agency) ranging from € 500.00 to € 3.000.00.

Among the services, we offer to our clients, is the preparation of the EPC Certificate by our qualified experts with whom we collaborate.

For more information on this service write to us and you will be contacted as soon as possible!